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Our current history is a?

So different, in fact, that some scientific researchers actually?

There is an enormous, highly-debated controversy surrounding the origins of the Rh antigen. In addition to ABO and Rh, there are 34 other recognised blood types, called blood group systems. The Rh negative blood type is not a ‘mutation’. The Rh Negative bloodline has a trade that didn't exist before 45,000 years ago. trannytubes Rh- blood is a giant mystery and just doesn’t make any sense. Jan 15, 2022 · The use of Rh here denotes “Rhesus,” as the origins of the blood type were labeled after a common factor shared between humans and the Rhesus monkey; today, the Rh blood group system is one of thirty of the existing current blood group systems recognized by science, of which close to eighty-five percent of humans have Nov 22, 2024 · Does Rh- blood come from aliens? Rh Negative Facts; Rhesusnegative. Rh-Negative Blood: Is It an Alien Blood Group? Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research doi 10143 UAP-Search Website : https://uapsufos. Experts reveal that the Rh level, known as the Rhesus factor, is a specific antigen in the blood. free black xvideos The vast majority of humankind—85 to 90 percent—is Rh positive, which means a person's red blood cells contain an antigen directly connected to the Rhesus monkey. … Laurie and Joe investigate the religious significance of blood and how it ties in with the theory of hybridization as is alluded in mythological creation stories, as well as how Rh-negative blood … RH negative will treat a fetus like an infection unless the child also has RH negative blood. I had an ancestor who beat Malaria and the doctors told them it was because they had “rare blood” & now we know what that means, I guess The Rh Negative bloodline has a trade that didn't exist before 45,000 years ago. Jul 29, 2016 · 15% of humans have a rare bloodtype known as Rh negative. OTOH< interesting about the … Topics Covered: Aliens, Bloodlines, Conspiracy, Elite Secret Beliefs The Outlaw, Jimmy Jones joins THC to talk about his research into the RH Neg Blood Type, … So if RH- is only 5% of human population, how can it be that of the 6 most recent Presidents Without any blood samples of prior Presidents before the RH … We are not aliens although it feels like that often because the world has been given over to the wicked which would be the RH positive elites which really serve Satan Those … The name rhesus factor (Rh) goes back to the use of erythrocytes extracted from the blood of rhesus monkeys for obtaining the first blood serum The Rh blood group system is a human … You joke but the people who rule the world from the shadows are all Rh-. paige steel instagram It does not exist any where in nature. ….

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